Amway is vary popular company among all mlm companies
in india when I was 15 year old I found this company promoting there products
at my city I grownup now I am 29 and still the company is growing and the most
important part is to know that the company is the world No#1 company and hope
it mention there creditability same in future.
Amoung all mlmcompanies in india amway found in 1959 by Mr.Jay Van Andel and his friend Mr.Rihard
Devos a special thanks to their effort bringing us such business module and
helping the minorities with their products and solution.
Amway has awarded by
United Nation Environment Programme achievement Award in year 1989
Many people trust
amway because its legal and running their company for vary long years from 1959
and having million of satisfied customer database.
Amway offer varies
type of Products range for there customers and those products are vary unique
and can’t found in general shop’s or else ware in market Amway has created its
own market place and successfully reached the majority of targeted audience.
Amway offered many
type of product in that there are home care products which is vary popular and
cost effective products to their audience, Amway directly targeted house wife’s,
amway understand the power of women’s and there strength and weakness and there
ability to market products.